The 2024 Put Your Breast Foot Forward 5KM Walk/Run for RVH Mammography will take place virtually once again this year throughout the month of October. Let’s celebrate with “PINK PATCHES” around the town as our participants donn their bright pink “PUT YOUR BREAST FOOT FORWARD” t-shirts and hit the trails. All funds raised from our 2024 PYBBF walk will be directed to the RVH Mammography unit so we can continue to stay ” A BREAST” of the latest and greatest equipment requirements for our Breast Health team.
Our 26th ANNUAL RVH GOLF CLASSIC was a resounding success!
The day dawned with sunny skies and a great temperature for golf. Over 176 golfers participated in our 26th annual RVH GOLF CLASSIC and a good day was had by all. Special THANKS to our amazing sponsors, golfers and volunteers. Stay tuned for more pics from the day!

Throughout the year, the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation hosts a number of Signature Events including:
A new Signature event launched on April 13 ,2024 in conjunction with Cancer Awareness Month, our Daffodil Dance will be sure to become a community favourite event. Watch for a SAVE THE DATE for our 2025 Daffodil Dance!

Celebrating 26 Years as a Signature event with for the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation, the RVH GOLF CLASSIC provides the opportunity to spend a gorgeous day golfing at the Renfrew Golf Club, networking with other RVH supporters, all while raising much needed dollars for our EQUIP RVH project; providing essential capital equipment to our medical team to provide the best in care, close to home.


Giving Tuesday is a GLOBAL Day of Giving unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities! At the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation we celebrated GIVING TUESDAY with a special MATCH PROGRAM generously supported by Jon Pole of MYFM. All Donations received at the Foundation for the annual TREE OF LIGHTS and LIGHTS OF LOVE Campaign throughout the day on Giving Tuesday December 3, 2024 will be MATCHED by Jon Pole.

2024 RVH Foundation’s TREE OF LIGHTS EVENT

The 34th annual TREE OF LIGHTS event will take place on December 6, 2024. Be sure to mark the date and join us for a festive, holiday event celebrating community and our incredible hospital. Festive entertainment, seasonal goodies and community fellowship make up the recipe for a wonderful event to kick off the Holiday season.
Almost 600 Lights of love and ornament tributes had places of honour on the tree and celebrated the lives of those who were recognized on the tree. Tree of Lights donations can still be made at the Foundation office or on line.

It was a wonderful evening kicking off the most magical time of the year at the Renfrew Victoria Hospital.
Some pics from our 2023 event!

Giving Tuesday 2022 at the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation was a BUSY ONE! All donations received for our 2022 Tree of Lights Campaign and all Lights of Love received on during the day and evening of Tuesday November 29th were MATCHED by Jon Pole of MYFM. We are so fortunate to have such an amazing sponsor and donor.
This year to show our progress throughout the day we built a gift tower beside our beautiful Renders Tree in our Gazebo and then placed them under the tree.

This year, our GIVING TUESDAY Goal was to raise the dollars required to purchase a new FLUID/BLANKET warmer for our Operating Room. In January of 2023, our Surgical services will be expanded to include Gynecology and ENT procedures and this important piece of equipment is needed to accommodate the expansion.

We are VERY EXCITED to report that we surpassed our GIVING TUESDAY GOAL raising $15, 345.00 BEFORE our Match. The additional funds raised will go towards our 2022-23 Tomosynthesis Mammogram project. A very SPECIAL THANKS to Jon Pole of MYFM for his generous support and contribution as he will be matching the amount raised.
A very special SHOUT OUT to our amazing community who continue to support our community hospital and provide us the funds we require to provide the Best in care, Close to home!
2022 Tree of Lights

The 32nd year of our the RVH Foundation Tree of Lights tradition is planned for Friday December 2nd and we are returning this annual event to it’s origin on the grounds of the Renfrew Victoria Hospital.
This year, our event will feature a TREE OF LIGHTS FESTIVAL which will include trees lit and decorated by businesses and/or members of the community.
The RVH Foundation “TREE OF LIGHTS”, lit with LIGHTS OF LOVE purchased In Memory/In Honour of loved ones will be our focal tree and will have a place of honour in our LEGACY CIRCLE GARDEN located in the central part of our RVH Healing Garden. In addition to the “LIGHTS OF LOVE” purchased, this year our tree will also depict the names of those remembered and honoured on beautiful ornaments on the TREE OF LIGHTS.
Our 2022 TREE OF LIGHTS FESTIVAL will commence at 6:00pm with the official lighting of the TREE OF LIGHTS. SANTA CLAUS will be in our gorgeous festive GAZEBO and will be available for family photos. J& J Chocolates HOT CHOCOLATE will be available as well as tasty smores. We will also be serenaded with songs of the season by local artists. We are looking forward to seeing everyone where it all began, on the grounds of RVH. Our gorgeous trees will remain on site for the remainder of the festive season and can be viewed by our patients, visitors and community.
Our 2022 Tree of lights card will feature the talents of local artist JILL ALEXANDER. Stay tuned for a sneak peek of our 2022 RVH Foundation Christmas card highlighting Jill’s artwork.
Our 2022 RVH GOLF CLASSIC was an Outstanding SUCCESS
We were excited to bring our RVH Golf Classic back to the month of June! Our event took place Friday June 10, 2022 at the Renfrew Golf Club. Although the day was a day of “changing Fashions” from sunny and hot attire to donning our new RVHF Rain jackets, a great day was had by all. The day commenced with a networking breakfast at the Renfrew Golf Club and featured a talk from Sarah Anderson, Medical Imaging at RVH who informed the golfers about the new Tomosynthesis mammography machine, the focus project for the funds being raised by the 24th Annual Golf Classic. The addition of the PINK BALL Challenge added quite a bit of humor and fun to the day as each team tried to keep the infamous PINK BALL throughout the round of golf. Congratulations to the 12 teams who succeeded and handed in their PINK BALLS and to the team who’s pink ball was drawn from the bucket for a prize.

This year’s tourney champions much to the chagrin of long time favourites, DI AND DOCS were the team captained by Sean Crozier.

Other winners for the day consisted of the following:

A sincere THANK YOU to all of our SPONSORS, GOLFERS and VOLUNTEERS who made our 2022 RVH GOLF CLASSIC a success.

We are looking forward to next year when we will celebrate 25 YEARS of the RVH GOLF CLASSIC! SAVE THE DATE JUNE 9TH 2023!

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Give Patti or Melanie a call at 613-432-4851 ext 263 or 312.
Check out some more pictures from our 2022 RVH GOLF CLASSIC
Founded in 1998 this annual tournament is a sell-out and has raised almost $1 Million, impacting the lives of thousands in our region. Funds raised at our 2022 RVH Golf Classic will be directed to our new state of the art TOMOSYNTHESIS Mammography project.
Our 2022 RVH Golf Classic was a sell out once again and participants had an amazing day of great golf, spectacular weather, gorgeous scenery and delicious eats!

A great day was had by all!
The day started with Coffee from TIM HORTON’S and breakfast provided by the Renfrew Golf Course. THANK YOU TIM HORTON’S for supporting our 2022 Golf Tourney.

Special thanks to JESSE the BACKYARD GOURMET BBQ for providing a delicious take home dinner from his food truck for all of our golfers.

A special SHOUT OUT to the KITCHEN CHICKS Catering for providing DELICIOUS personal sized pies!

Of course our day could not have been a success without a dedicated team of volunteers who were on hand to watch our Hole in One attempts and to man our PUTTING CONTEST. Special thanks to: Elizabeth, Lily, Morgan and Paige for chairing out Putting Contest; Pat, Anne, Karen and Anne-Marie for looking after set up and gift distribution; Sandi, Gladys and Doug for the Hole in One witnessing and to our lovely ladies from ONTRAC for hosting a fun game on a hole. Unfortunately no Hole in One’s were recorded but there were a few close attempts!

It was a beautiful day highlighted by the scenic surroundings at the Renfrew Golf Course, great food and outstanding participants. Thank you to everyone who contributed and participated. We are truly blessed to live in such a giving community.
And that’s a wrap for our 2022 RVH Golf Classic! THANK YOU from our RVH FOUNDATION GOLF TEAM 2022. We thoroughly enjoyed spending the day with everyone!

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