Our Foundation, Our Community and COVID-19


We are living a moment in the history of the world, our country, our province, our community and our hospital.

COVID-19 restrictions have impacted all of our lives on a level that most of us have never experienced before. Social distancing is now a way of life, e-learning is emphasized for our children and protecting the aged and those with compromised health conditions have become a prime focus for all of us. Our medical staff, first-responders, grocery store workers, cleaners, restaurant owners/delivery people, farmers, truck drivers, factory workers and volunteer sewers are all going above and beyond to ensure our safety and to provide us with the necessities. It truly represents the true meaning of “COMMUNITY SPIRIT!”

The main question by all of us; “What can we do to help?”

First and foremost, we are asked to stay home as much as possible and practice physical distancing when we do need to go out.

As a Foundation for our hospital, we have taken on the task of sourcing out non-conventional means of soliciting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for our front line staff. We have been reaching out to various businesses, contractors, industry and individuals who may have or can order some of the the essential items needed by front line staff; surgical masks, N95 respirator masks, isolation gowns, gloves, goggles and visors. If you have a business or know of someone who does who may have access to any of these items, we ask that you contact Patti Dillabough at 613-433-4537.

In addition to the PPE that is needed, the Foundation team has put an ask out to our community sewing enthusiasts to sew masks, gowns, headbands and caps for use where appropriate. Our front line workers are specifically appreciative for the caps and headbands that our sewers have been making to save their ears which have become raw from the elastics on the masks that they must wear in excess of 12 hours per day. Again, if you are a sewer and would like to contribute, please contact Patti Dillabough 613-433-4537 or Melanie Clemmer 613-432-0162. All items are asked to be dropped off at 435 Barr Street into the pink bin on the front porch. They will be taken to the hospital to go through the laundry process before being put into inventory. THANK YOU to all of you who have stepped up already and have donated.

We have also initiated a special Recognition program for our hardworking RVH Staff which offers businesses/individuals the opportunity to sponsor either a “HUG in A MUG & MUFFIN” coffee break for all of our RVH Staff on a given day or “THANKS A BUNCH, WE’VE GOT YOUR LUNCH” which sponsors a complimentary lunch for all RVH staff on all shifts on a given day. The program has been a resounding success and we have been providing a coffee/break and lunch to our staff thanks to our amazing sponsors every week. To participate, please contact Patti Dillabough 613-433-4537 or email dillaboughp@renfrewhosp.com.

Stay tuned for a special THANK YOU to all of our sponsors to date.

This time is unprecedented. It is scary and can be lonely for many folks who are at home alone. We encourage our senior donors to give either Melanie or myself a call at the numbers listed above to check in with us or if you just need to chat. We would love to hear from you.

Please stay safe,

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