October is breast cancer awareness month. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death among Canadian women. Early detection is one of the best ways to combat this statistic.
Lisa Phillips, breast cancer survivor, can attest to the importance of early detection. With a family history of breast cancer taking three previous generations—great-grandmother, grandmother and mom—she and her sister Shelley were considered high risk and began annual mammograms at age 30. Shelley was diagnosed five years ago and Lisa’s cancer was diagnosed in February 2017.
Of the cancer journey she shares, “My sister Shelley and I were fortunate to be treated at RVH. All the staff have the knowledge, caring and compassion with which they care for every individual. We’re grateful we had RVH.”
Lisa plans to be an advocate on behalf of all women, in particular with the regards to access to MRI services for more in depth screening. She advises women, “Be diligent in doing breast exams, go for your mammograms, make sure you are an advocate for your own health. Early detection can save your life.”
At RVH it’s all about taking action to help save lives. The digital mammography services provided by experienced mammography technologists remain the gold standard of screening for early stage breast cancer. As an Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) site, RVH recently achieved re-accredition with the Canadian Association of Radiologists-Mammography Accreditation Program (CARMAP).
“We are striving to ensure we’re ready for the challenges of tomorrow. The fight against breast cancer is not a battle anyone wants to take on. But with your support it is one for which RVH is prepared,” says Sarah Robinson, Executive Director, Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation.
Please consider a donation to help other patients like Lisa during their treatments. Donate here.